Friday, January 14, 2011

Task 1: Slap myself in the face Task 2: Wish a Happy New Year to all of my Readers Task 3: Question the meaning of life?

Dear Readers,

I again have failed you as a your one stop source for West Point knowledge, antics, and my general well being. I can give you all the usual excuses, such as things have been busy (which I swear they have), I went home for break (which I definitely did), I'm readjusting back to West Point life (well, um ya, this one's true, motivating one to do work for classes that you dislike after an awesome break at home.....its tough), and the final excuse West Point is hard (wa wa wa, the last one's just me being sarcastic, it has its challenges but to whine about it being hard, although I'm sure my roommate's caught me doin it before, is just pathetic, cuz I'm doin well here). Alright so on to the meat and gravy, the PB&J, the soup and get what I mean:

(cue Jeopardy song..........)
(5 minutes later...........)

Sorry for making you wait, I hope you enjoyed the music. I had to review my last post to see where I left off and holy shit am I behind. Lets just say the rest of first semester went well. I pulled a complete all nighter with my roommates last semester to finish a paper. I had a blast with all of my buddies of the Broviet Union at Army-Navy in Philadelphia (more to follow on the Broviet Union), I went to the city and enjoyed some fine dining and cigars at the lovely establishment of Florio's in Little Italy. Sadly one of the owners, Larry, last time I heard was not doing well in the hospital, he has been on aggressive chemotherapy. All of us Cigar smokers and patrons of Florio's are thinking of Larry and his family. My exams went very well, I actually pulled my grade up in physics because of how well I did on the exam. I had the craziest epiphany when I walked in for that exam. I also did quite well with IM wrestling last semester. Our team took 3rd out of 32 companies here at West Point. I personally had a record of 8-3 (I'm pretty sure thats right). I did injure myself during wrestling and had to do some physical therapy and missed the APFT (army physical fitness test). I know have to make that test up on Feb. 7th, which is my Birthday!!!! Yay for West Point Birthday gifts!!!!! So all in all last semester was great, of course there were bouts of nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea.......wait that pepto bismol, um what I meant was there was stress, tiredness, laziness, cynicism, and soreness but were through with that. One more point for me over West Point.

In this new semester, I came back excited and ready to tackle the year cuz I wasn't gonna let myself get down like plebe year after Christmas. I have two plebes this semester and they seem to be pretty good. Both are in shape, motivated, and hard workers and thankfully they are normal. By normal I mean i don't have a Rambo or a teenage princess or a social shut in that can comprehend how to hold regular conversation. Yes there are people at West Point that fit all three of those categories. Anywho, I roommate's again with Ian Garrett, by far my best friend at West Point and one of the lucky few to be included among my great friends from home and a shoutout to my Indiana boys (that's you Dan). This semester started of with a huge dose of cynicism and a flask of order to save your ears from unnecessary curses and whining I will not explain this. Just understand I am a little bit of cynicism, bitterness, spice, and everything nice..........kinda lame..........oh well, it is my blog after all. I have been blessed by West Point for making Philosophy a mandatory class and having me take it this semester. Actually, you know what F&*# that. I don't know if I have ever sat through something so useless. There is a good thing though, the teacher, whose class I was randomly thrown in to, is a huge Monty Python fan, like myself, and we have watched a clip from some form of a Monty Python production in class. On to other things, I have Yearling Winter Weekend at the end of this month. Just like as Plebes we had a special weekend (Plebe Parent Weekend), we have one this year too. It encompasses and dinner and a dance. My friend, Ian Garrett and I have an apartment rented in the city for each night. His girlfriend from Boston will be coming and one of my good friends, Morgan, shall be accompanying me. Friday we will spend enjoying the city then Saturday afternoon we head up to West Point to get ready for the dinner and dance, and then we go right back to the city. I think its gonna be great.

Currently I am sitting in the hospital at West Point. Dear Readers do not fret, for I am perfectly fine. I came here last night and then this morning had my tonsils removed. So far it hasn't been that fun as swallowing and talking is bothersome and painful. This time here has allowed me to rest plenty, watch movies, and gave me no excuse for not writing on this blog. I mean I may not be able to talk very well but I sure as hell can write, besides, the medicine they gave me is a joke. I think I may close this off now. I just discovered that Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations is available on netflix! That will make for some good relaxation. I just wish he had a cure for tonsillectomies too (Mom I know you will get that joke).

Again I will make a fairly empty promise (I don't know what else to say) and say that I will write again soon. I just hope I recover quick. Take it easy Dear Readers.......

1 comment:

  1. Please continue writing! I really want to attend USMA and am a candidate for the c/o 2016. Your experiences are really helpful and I appreciate them.
