Monday, October 18, 2010

Don't worry, The story continues.......

The last few weeks have been quite grueling. Tests, graded homeworks, quizzes, a physics midterm (yes it is considered separate from a test), papers and other fun little assignments have been smacked across the last few weeks. No bueno (thats about all the Spanish I speak). It seems to me that the workload never lessens as a Yuk (sophomore) here at beautiful West Point, USA. Last year I recall "easy weeks" or even "easy months." These, my good friends, are no longer a common experience. I even had a busy weekend due to the mandatory "Super Saturday" aka Cadet run military 8-hour field exercise. The day actually ended up being anywhere from 12-16 hours total depending on when you got to your first event. The training was good however losing a perfectly good Saturday is like skipping your birthday............ok so maybe not that bad but its pretty bad, just trust me on this.

Time for a new paragraph? I think so.....
So this weekend I am preparing for my third West Point Combat Classic. This is the paintball game which the West Point Paintball Club sets ups and hosts for civilians at Lake Frederick. As usual we are gonna be busy from Friday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. Thankfully next week might be a "pseudo-easy week" as I stated above actually "easy weeks" don't exist anymore, except maybe in a fleeting dream that always ends to soon. Back to paintball.......So this year I am not a peon to be sent out into the field as a tank ref or player ref or even worse, not even get on the field and take charge of parking duty. This year I am the Speilmeister (yes, german for Game Master). My colleague Mike Devens is the other Spielmeister which makes us a pseudo-binary-oligarchical-power system. We have written up all of the missions, mission rules, and scoring values and rules. This weekend we will report missions to each team's General, we will keep track of the score, and will accompany the teams as mission refs in order to insure the proper requirements are made for each mission. This years game is based of the Battle of Ia Drang, during the Vietnam War, and popularized by the movie, "We Were Soldiers." I am looking forward to this weekend as I am getting to be around paintball, and be in charge of a very pivotal part of the weekend.

On to other things?
Not quite sure what else there is to say.......Lifes a bitch, but you just gotta kick it in the balls one day at a time........hmmm maybe I should get that tattoo'd on my back? Well, I guess thats it for now.

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