My friends are very dear to me.
Without them I couldn’t survive living here.
I hope they are loyal as I am to them.
To lose touch with just one is too much to bear,
Tears would fall as they never have.
My mind like mush that I get from the Mess,
I’d do anything to remain as I am.
I want to be a good man, not some programmed machine,
God Damn the elitists who put me down!
I’ll be a better man, in both profession and society,
May I have great comrades both old and new,
My friends are very dear to me.
Gray is the only color that I see.
It engulfs me like a stormy sea.
Everyday seems the same,
It goes on and on like an endless game.
Freedom and pleasure are seldom found.
They are luring music of a faint sound.
Gray consumes me, but I guess its fine.
In a few years I’ll be official in the Long Gray Line.
The colors here sometimes lie,
Toward summertime they make us smile,
They seem to express joy and freedom,
But Thayer reels at such foolish notions.
Projects, papers, tests and all
Lock us within gray barracks walls.
Windows open, warm breeze and sun,
Distract us from computer screens.
We stop working, Thayer leaves our minds,
As we ponder over past summers fun.
Abrubtly CGR ruins our dreams,
Mando dinner in thirty minutes.
Hours of drudgery follow in the evening,
All the while nature taunts us.
The colors here sometimes lie.
Edgar Allen Poe
I wonder what they thought of Poe.
Such a strange man for so rigid a place.
I doubt he’d make that good of a Joe,
His independence and ideas beam from his face.
Is it true he stood attention bare assed?
I wonder what they thought of Poe.
Was he pompous or depressed, that’s what I’d ask.
His rank in the Corps must have been so low.
A cadet, an animal, a rebel at heart?
I wonder what they thought of Poe.
Where in the world did his commanders start?
His uniform dirty and his brass lacked glow.
I’d love to see him on the Plain,
His stride in parades so very strange.
His behavior must have been quite the comedic show,
I wonder what they thought of Poe.
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