Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A little later than I expected.....

So, instead of writing on the blog on Sunday, I slept till 1 and watched 2 movies...........Productive right? Sundays here are my main R&R days, despite usually having homework those nights. Saturdays consist of football games, paintball practice, or family visits. This past weekend I had the opportunity to enjoy the football game with my dad and youngest sister. I had a great time seeing them, and relaxing at Col. Johnson's house when we weren't at the game. I believe my sister had a good time, and I know for sure, as always, my dad just loves coming back to this pleasant Hell on Earth (I say pleasant because sometimes it ain't so bad).
This week is fairly uneventful, classes and more classes with the occasional quiz in a class or two. I had my first company wrestling match of the year yesterday. I wrestled a kid I previously lost to in a scrimmage but managed to pull out a win. The cadet ref was quite sub par and failed to call the pin which I held for 1:30 of the 2 minutes available in the second period. Despite this setback, I score a few more points in the third and won 13-7. I'm proud of that score, and it was quite the match. I was exhausted.........
While speaking of exhaustion, I also did Sandhurst tryouts (for fun) on Monday. The ordeal led me to more cramps than I have ever endured before. It was a very intense workout/gauntlet however I completed it. I'm still sore today from it though.
Another note, I declared my major last Friday. My final decision was to Double Major in Arabic and German. I already have about 5 years experience in German, including 2 month long trips to Germany. I enjoy the language and the culture immensely. I am currently enrolled in Arabic and find the joy, passion, and curiosity as I did when studying German in high school. I look forward to experiencing a new culture and learning another language as well. I hope that in the next year I will be able to secure a semester abroad in either Morocco or Egypt. One semester away from West Point, one semester experiencing a completely different world- sounds pretty awesome to me.
Well, this is all I have for right now. I will eventually do a huge update which will cover summer events that have gone without mention. Ma'salaama (goodbye in Arabic).

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