Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another Poem

I have recently started reading "If I Die in a Combat Zone" by Tim O'Brien. His book is very reflective and I believe is why I had the inspiration to write this poem. It is probably very crude (like all of my other poems) to the Literature analyst and Poetry connoisseur however I hacked it together while the inspiration had hold of me. Although I may not know too much about the topic, it is something which I will likely endure later in life as I leave this Academy.


War, war, every human’s evil core
What is it for, is it ever right?
War is taught, then wars are fought
Innocence caught in a deathly grip
Soldiers wander through the mist
Wondering why it came to this
Whether just or not
We were born to fight
Strapped on boots and gave our rights
Political means’ll likely be our end
But we soldier on and always defend
The country which we pledged our lives
Death we must all accept
No matter how grotesque, gross, or unknown to us
We are thrown together and protect each other
No one wants to see a sad Mother
We fight, we fight with all our might
No matter the cause there’s only one
To make it home to those we love

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed it. 

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