So haven't updated this in a while, much to my dismay. I have been fairly busy lately. Last week was a lovely "Thayer" week. A "Thayer" week simply means one has a lot of big assignments and/or tests. I had a chemistry, math, and history test. I felt that I did quite poorly on both math and chemistry but I actually recieved A's on both. I am eagerly anticipating my history grade as I am never sure what to expect from the history department's grading. Although people were dressed up Thursday night for halloween, on halloweeen itself I did little to celebrate it.....unlike a typical college, they were no halloween costume parties, bummer.
One halloween festivity I took part in though was the "Haunted Room" competition. Every company decorates a room (or in our case half of our floor) and they get graded in order to find the regimental winners. The next day the grade for brigade champion and some of the higher ups (aka the supe, dean, comm) also check out the haunted rooms. Our hanted set up was pretty awesome however I am too lazy to describe it. My role in the whole scheme, outside of setup, was to be a casualty. I will try to get a picture on here later but it looked like my guts and brains were spilling out. My company won the regiment but I'm not sure how we did for brigade. On Saturday (Halloween) I slept in (first time in like three weeks) and played xbox and watched movies the whole day. The culminating event of the day occured at about 9:15 when we invited a bunch of our buddies to watch "Cannibal Holocaust" with us. I urge you to wikipedia it but in short it can be described as the goriest movie ever made. This movie is an Italian made movie from 1980 and is illegal in multiple countries. I don't want to ruin your day so I will describe any scenes. To put how this movie affected me, It felt like my soul was raped. I will also say it was insanely realistic, even by today's standards. Apparently it is on Quentin Tarantino's favorite movies list. Just check it out and watch with caution. After the movie, it was almost midnight but I managed to stay up until 5 AM. Don't ask why, I don't have an answer. I then slept till noon on Sunday when my buddy woke me up to ask if I wanted to go to the PX (post exchange). I got ready, had some BK for lunch up there and picked up some boodle and whatnot. Back at barracks I did nothing......just further procrastinating my english paper till sometime between 8 or 9. The paper was easy though and I quickly wrote and edited it.
Another big event took place last night. It was Branch Night for all of the firsties. This night literally makes or breaks your entire time spent here. Branch night is when all of the Firsties recieve their army branches. Whether you win or lose, you get drunk as hell. There were plenty of drunk firsties celebrating, horseplaying, and meandering through the hallways last night. Luckily I did not run into any firsties that did not recieve their branch of choice. They would have been pissed, depressed, and most likely belligerently drunk. Like I said, it can "make or break" your time spent here. Accompanying branch night was the tradition of blood pinning. Sadly I didn't have the chance to take part. Basically you go and punch the firsties in the chest where their branch pin is in order to make them bleed. They actually walk around and offer themselves to be hit.......maybe its the alcohol.
Well, I will try my best to post more this week. We have a game against Air Force this weekend so I will close with "BEAT AIR FORCE!!!"
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