Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Post of my First Blog

Alright, how should I start my blog? What should I write? Should this be deep and analytical or more like a daily journal? I suppose it would be best to describe why I have decided to start a blog and what I hope to accomplish with it. I wanted to start this blog in order to allow me to not only collect my own thoughts but to continue the journaling which I started over summer training. I feel that something a lot of people don't really understand what West Point, or any academy for that matter, is really about. I want to provide people with insights into cadet life while also managing my own personal thoughts and experiences. After I finish editing my journals from the summer, I will post them up so that you can see what summer training was like. This summer was the first time I ever journaled and I would say it is pretty crude considering the lack of time and energy I was able to devote to it. However, I digress. As I write this blog, I hope it is informative, thought provoking, and lacks excessive bitching and whining (as West Point does tend to make people do that). I will make another post tonight, but just wanted to get things started. Enjoy the Blog

-Carl Kenney

1 comment:

  1. You are on your way to being a well versed and educated soldier.
